![Jip companions command and control](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126193959.jpg)
This may or may not fix things but it has often enough to try it. Note, any changes you made will be thrown out, so you need to put those back. Delete both of them in the My Documents/My Games/Fallout 3 area (ini and prefs) and restart the game and let it generate new ones. When these games sit for a while, something weird sometimes happens to the INIs.
![jip companions command and control jip companions command and control](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/130/images/thumbnails/50468-1-1402694787.jpg)
![jip companions command and control jip companions command and control](https://i.servimg.com/u/f62/19/83/17/74/fnv-pl10.gif)
![jip companions command and control jip companions command and control](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/130/images/thumbnails/50468-3-1402694685.jpg)
00 FalloutNV.esm01 DeadMoney.esm02 HonestHearts.esm03 OldWorldBlues.esm04 LonesomeRoad.esm05 GunRunnersArsenal.esm06 ClassicPack.esm07 MercenaryPack.esm08 TribalPack.esm09 CaravanPack.esm0A YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm0B Weapon Mod Expansion.esm0C WME - DLCs.esm0D Monster Wars.esm0E NVInteriors_Core.esm0F NVInteriors_WastelandEditonAWOP.esm10 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm11 Momod.esm12 NVInteriors_ComboEdition_AWOP_SLAP_NCR.esm13 Tales from the Burning Sands.esm 14 WME - GRA.esm15 Strangers Abroad.esm16 enclavebunker.esm17 SaxxonsQuestPack.esm18 AWOP v5dot3dot1 Hot Fix.esm19 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 1A decwithreg.esm1B Afterschool Special.esm 1C Badlands.esm1D SpeedyResources.esm1E SomeguySeries.esm1F D.E.I.M.O.S.esm 20 DesertersFortress.esm21 More Perks.esm22 DarNifiedUINV.esp23 Existence2.0.esp24 CPRadiostation.esp25 X-1_Tales_of_Wonder!.esp26 Space_Patrol_Comm._Relay.esp27 RadioMayak.esp28 ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp29 betsybrahmin.esp2A factions reloaded raiders v2.esp2B Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp 2C The Weapon Mod Menu.esp 2D TheDeterrent.esp2E Monster Mod Wasteland Edition.esp2F Factions Reloaded Legion.esp30 factions reloaded followers.esp31 More Perks Update.esp32 NewVegasBounties.esp33 NewVegasBountiesII.esp34 enclavebunker.esp35 WME - GRA - Complete.esp36 Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp37 TheInheritance.esp38 Alternative Start.esp39 Russell.esp3A JourneyToVault79.esp3B Bobblehunt - Fallout 3 Bonuses.esp3C MTB.esp3D Classic energy weapons.esp3E EnergyWeaponDeNerf.esp3F Expanded Traits.esp40 Identity Crisis Part 2 - Long Night.esp41 Goodsprings Filler.esp42 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp43 ManualReload.esp44 Monster Wars - More Robots Plugin.esp45 Preorder items in locker.esp46 Story of ol' McCartney.esp47 New Vegas Trade Center.esp48 AWOP - Russell.esp49 NewVegasKiller.esp4A Delay DLC - DM + HH + OWB + LR + GRA.esp4B Dog_Cit圓.esp4C DesertersFotress - Update.esp 4D Area 51 - Project Roswell.esp4E The Mod Configuration Menu.esp 4F MMUE-CP-AWOP.esp50 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
![Jip companions command and control](https://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/g/greathigh-power/20200126/20200126193959.jpg)